
Sore Eyelids

I haven't updated this in months. To my followers, I apologize. I wish there were a legitimate reason for my absence, but it's basically been due to school, and straight up laziness. Here's a quick update for one of the bands I've been listening to lately.

Sore Eyelids is an emotive rock band featuring Henning of (one of my personal favorite bands), Suis La Lune. Their sound can most easily be classified as emotive punk, reminiscent of early/mid 90's alternative. Henning replaces his typical harsh screaming with melodic, sung vocals, and it works wonderfully. Drawing influence from bands such as Jawbreaker, Sunny Day Real Esate, Knapsack, and Mineral, Sore Eyelids self titled EP is a pleasant surprise coming from an unlikely source.

1. Last Time
2. Can't Breath
3. Still, I'm Here
4. Whenever We Meet
5. Carpi 2007


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