
Please Inform The Captain This Is a Hijack

A Please Inform The Captain This is a Hijack post has been long overdue on this blog. PITCTIAH was a criminally under-appreciated punk band from San Diego California. Their two releases are the perfect examples of sociopolitical punk rock done right. Sounding like a mix between At The Drive-In and Dead Kennedys, their messages of totalitarianism and freedom of speech are brought to the forefront of their music primarily by their lyrics and use of samples from various political speeches (these samples appear in practically every song). The quality of the songs themselves is only accentuated by the amazing production quality. This band writes the soundtrack to quitting your job and starting a riot. Listen at your own risk.


1. Your Good Thing Is About To Come To An End
2. Apocalypse Theme Park
3. Postcards From The Future
4. Robot Rampage In Luxury World
5. Ice Monkey
6. Transnational Vampire Killers


Defeat or Humiliate The United States of America

1. We Train These Robots
2. The Ants Will Eat Rome
3. The Molotov Cocktail Hour
4. Angry Sleepers (Pt. 1)
5. Sooner Than You Think
6. Karma Collection Day
7. Waiting For The Snow
8. Defeat Or Humiliate The United States of America
9. In The Service Of Capital
10. The Days Move Along With Regularity
11. The Asymmetric Enemy
12. A Completely New Weapon
13. Party While You Can Mother Fucker
14. Who Are These Gurus?


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