
me and him call it us - Loss

me and him call it us (yes, all lower case) was a three-piece band from Georgia who played a highly emotional style of fast paced, spastic metal music. Their only full length "Loss" is an album that was seemingly recorded in a cave by a group of emotionally distraught kids on the brink of a psychological breakdown. The album is a pure fucking neurotic mess - a collection of compositions that encompasses feelings of angst, aggression, loneliness and heartbreak, one which delivers songs that go from one end of the musical spectrum to the other, leaving the listener curious, but mentally overwhelmed. However, what this album lacks in depth and consistency, it makes up for tenfold with its relentless assault of chaotic and soothing noise. I first heard this album five years ago when it initially came out, and I appreciate it more-so now for the unstable mess that it is. "Loss" is not a casual listen, nor is it and album written for the faint of heart. To those who are curious, Godspeed.

me and him call it us - Loss

1. Sarsaparilla
2. Cut-Throat Cardiac Arrest
3. "Mayday! Mayday! " Cried the Captain
4. Just Can't Function No More http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
5. The Anticipation Is Killing Me
6. ...into Troubled Waters, I Sink
7. Headache
8. Innocent Bystanders Watched in Horror as Peter Jennings Drew His ...
9. P.S. I Love You
10. Loss
11. Sea Swallowed Us Whole
12. My Heart Beats in Blast Beats
13. That Ghost Is Breathing Again
14. Encirclement of the Dancing Scarecrows



Please Inform The Captain This Is a Hijack

A Please Inform The Captain This is a Hijack post has been long overdue on this blog. PITCTIAH was a criminally under-appreciated punk band from San Diego California. Their two releases are the perfect examples of sociopolitical punk rock done right. Sounding like a mix between At The Drive-In and Dead Kennedys, their messages of totalitarianism and freedom of speech are brought to the forefront of their music primarily by their lyrics and use of samples from various political speeches (these samples appear in practically every song). The quality of the songs themselves is only accentuated by the amazing production quality. This band writes the soundtrack to quitting your job and starting a riot. Listen at your own risk.


1. Your Good Thing Is About To Come To An End
2. Apocalypse Theme Park
3. Postcards From The Future
4. Robot Rampage In Luxury World
5. Ice Monkey
6. Transnational Vampire Killers


Defeat or Humiliate The United States of America

1. We Train These Robots
2. The Ants Will Eat Rome
3. The Molotov Cocktail Hour
4. Angry Sleepers (Pt. 1)
5. Sooner Than You Think
6. Karma Collection Day
7. Waiting For The Snow
8. Defeat Or Humiliate The United States of America
9. In The Service Of Capital
10. The Days Move Along With Regularity
11. The Asymmetric Enemy
12. A Completely New Weapon
13. Party While You Can Mother Fucker
14. Who Are These Gurus?



A Bunnys Caravan

There's really no justifying the fact that A Bunny's Caravan is so unknown. Well, that's somewhat untrue, considering they never toured nor played a live show, and they broke up immediately after the release of "Draining Puddles Receiving Treasures", their one and only album. This album is a constant reminder why one should be excited with the post-rock genre. Sounding like an eclectic mix of Appleseed Cast, Death Cab, and Saxon Shore, A Bunnys Caravan managed to write one of the most endearing and heartfelt records released this decade. The album begins with "Inclosed By Skies", a ten minute, synth-laden, post-rock epic that ends with one of the most goergeous crescendos you're likely to ever hear. It's difficult to write an in-depth analysis of this recording since there's such scant information regarding it, but maybe the mystery is an appealing factor for this band. The only tragedy of ABC that they have so few listeners - so I'm here to change that. Stop reading and listen.

1. Inclosed By Skies
2. Cartwheels Into The Abyss
3. Resolving The Static
4. My Attic Relapse
5. Keeping The Wins
6. Radio P.C.



Reaching Away

Reaching Away features 3/4 members of The Pine. They've diverted from the emo-rock, scene that made their previous band so popular, and are more of a mellow, stripped-down, indie/folk situation. Roger's distinctive voice still leads all the songs and the melodies are as beautiful as you would expect from any song from The Pine. The first and last songs are my personal favorite.

1.Lead or Follow
2. Push Away The Moon
3. The Worst In Me
4. Bridge Of Stone
5. Guilt Gone Blind
6. Beyond My Eyes
7. Day One
8. Last Try
9. No Hope For Healing
10. Reason Lost
11. Piece Of Youth
12. Brakehold
13. Broken Bones



Suis La Lune

I don't update anymore because I've been busy with school, work, and friendships, like every other twenty-something. But as long as I have this and as long as I have followers I'll make infrequent little updates here and there.

I was fortunate enough to catch this band on their US tour recently and they played just as beautifully as I expected, and my expectations were pretty seeing as they're one of my favorite bands ever. If you're even mildly into emotive punk and have never heard of Suis La Lune you might as well be excommunicated from your involvement in the genre. Here are two new songs from their split/compilation Connections II.

1. In a Deep Hole with Clay and Remorse
2. Postlude to 5 Years of Hurting



Sleeper Set Sail

I remember back in 2004, someone from the Alexionfire message board brought up a discussion about a small but exceedingly popular Canadian band called Sleeper Set Sail. After two successful EP's, SSS were set to release their first full length in 2006 called Eyes Just Like Forest Fires. The record met with rave reviews, but strangely, the band decided to call it quits just a few short months after the release of the record - which is unfortunate, as this record showed immense potential from a young but talented group of musicians. Beautiful ambient passages, powerful hooks, and guitar driven melodies make up this unforgettable record, from a band that broke up long before their prime.

1. Lifejacket
2. Celeste
3. Antique Bathrubs With Feet On Them
4. Interlude #1
5. Watch What You Whisper
6. Killing Birds With Stones
7. (Preferably Two With One)
8. Interlude #2
9. The Woods On Fire
10. All My Reasons



Various Artists - Inanition

I came across this compilation randomly about a year ago, and I've concluded (quite reasonably) that it's one of the better screamo compilations put together over the years. The compilation comes from a small Hungarian label called Itai Itai Records, who's roster inclues generally indie and punk bands from across Europe. Standout bands include Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Dancing on Debris, Sofy Major, Duna, and Kias Fansuri



Sore Eyelids

I haven't updated this in months. To my followers, I apologize. I wish there were a legitimate reason for my absence, but it's basically been due to school, and straight up laziness. Here's a quick update for one of the bands I've been listening to lately.

Sore Eyelids is an emotive rock band featuring Henning of (one of my personal favorite bands), Suis La Lune. Their sound can most easily be classified as emotive punk, reminiscent of early/mid 90's alternative. Henning replaces his typical harsh screaming with melodic, sung vocals, and it works wonderfully. Drawing influence from bands such as Jawbreaker, Sunny Day Real Esate, Knapsack, and Mineral, Sore Eyelids self titled EP is a pleasant surprise coming from an unlikely source.

1. Last Time
2. Can't Breath
3. Still, I'm Here
4. Whenever We Meet
5. Carpi 2007




Yet another English post-hardcore band that was often overlooked, and one of my personal favorites. Secondsmile's two EPs with their original lineup showed enormous potential; Intricate guitar work and excellent production made their sound one of the most innovative in the genre. However, after losing their lead vocalist, they opted for a more melodic alternative rock sound (which was outstanding as well). The band broke up in 2008 due to members getting tired of constant touring and gaining little recognition for their grueling schedule.

I Am Not Romeo, You Are Not Juliet

1. My Tribute To Those Eyes That Can Sink Ships
2. This Is Your Hometown And It's Cutting You
3. Easy Going Girls Are Always One Fuck Away
4. Poets Unite In Hate (Their Gift For Love)



1. Angel With A Stitched Shut Mouth
2. Everyone Here Has Died A Thousand Times Before



Her Words Kill

Let's start this off right. Her Words Kill were an English band that existed from 2002 to 2007. They independently released two EPs (2004's "I Will Not Die Her Hero" and 2005's "Load My Revolver, Baby') before their breakup in 2007, which was caused by various lineup changes and creative differences. The music is often categorized as "melodic metalcore", although I resent those two labels, especially when both are used together. The band perfected the singer/screamer formula, and in their brief history, Her Words Kill wrote some of the most memorable songs of the genre, perfectly mixing fast and crushing rhythms, with subtle inclusions of soft guitar driven parts and hauntingly beautiful melodies. Additionally, Her Words Kill had one of the genre's most talented and soulful singers within Luke Pickett (think Jonny Craig, but less bombastic). The following are links to both band's EPs, both out of print. Pickett still releases music under his own moniker and plans to release a full length in early 2010.

I Will Not Die Her Hero

1. Join the Fight
2. Holland
3. Art Is Red


Load My Revolver, Baby

  1. Girls, Guns & Dynamite
  2. Nobody here is leaving Priscilla Brooke alive
  3. Jennifer, hit the lights, We're taking over this joint
  4. Make me beautiful
  5. Sir, this is a cut throat fashion
  6. Watch out Vegas, I'm a show stopper
  7. Love on the Catwalk
